You are currently viewing 023: What Parents Can Do to Support LGBTQ Youth

023: What Parents Can Do to Support LGBTQ Youth

Jessica Weissbuch is the founder of Brave Trails, a summer camp for LGBTQ youth to build self-esteem, leadership skills, and life-long friends. She is a licensed marriage and family therapist and focused her academic life on studying LGBTQ+ youth affirmative therapy practices. In this week’s episode, Jessica talks about how parents can be an LGBTQ ally even if your child is out or not. She also discusses ways to bring the conversation to your household so that there is acceptance and love for who your child is, and for who they may love.

Key Takeaways


“Isolation is the root of a lot of anxiety and depression.”

“Representation matters. When I was young and coming out, there was no one in the media that was out and open.”

“Be patient with yourself as parents. As long as you are trying, as long as you’re there to support, give yourself some grace.”

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