You are currently viewing 029: How to Cultivate a Strong Work Ethic in Your Teen

029: How to Cultivate a Strong Work Ethic in Your Teen

Eric Chester is America’s most celebrated ‘teen work ethic guru’, an acclaimed in-the-trenches workforce researcher and thought leader. As a former high school teacher and coach-turned motivational speaker for youth, Eric has visited thousands of high schools and colleges to help prepare students for success in part-time jobs all the way though to full-time careers. Eric discusses how you can help your teen lead a fulfilling work life and how to navigate the challenges they might face when they take on their very first job.

Key Takeaways


“If you try to protect your teen from the world of work, you’re going to delay their ability to be successful in the workplace.”

“A parent can’t force a teen to work, but they can create the conditions where the teen says, ‘I need to earn some scratch.’”

“Reliability is not something that you do, it’s something that you are.”

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