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033: Understanding How the Teen Brain Actually Works

Dr. John B. Molidor, CEO & President of the Brain Based Leadership Institute, works with people to better understand how their brains work. He guides his clients towards using their brains more efficiently and to help them make better decisions. In this episode, he explains why it can be so frustrating working with your teen as they begin to enter adulthood. Your brain doesn’t fully form until you’re 25 years old, so it’s important for parents to practice a bit of grace when your child makes illogical mistakes.

Key Takeaways


“Let them nap during the day instead of having them sleep till 1pm. Sleep consistency is important.”

“The beauty of some of this is by saying to your teenager, ‘You need to do this’, you start to examine your own biases and things that have been ingrained in you and then you can ask, ‘Is this true?’”

“You can’t teach an old dog new tricks? That’s wrong. You can teach an old dog new tricks.

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