You are currently viewing S2 E:3 – What Skills Should Teens Develop Prior to Going to College?

S2 E:3 – What Skills Should Teens Develop Prior to Going to College?

Molly is a College Facilitator and helps teens develop the skills they need to be ready to leave the nest and become independent adults. Molly is focused on helping teens not just take a bunch of classes, but find their passion in life. In this episode, Molly shares what she is thinking about when she is working one-on-one with her students, the importance of taking a step to instill and teach the power of failure, and so much more.  

Key Takeaways


“A lot of times we miss the boat when kids fail. We just continue to move on as opposed to using that as a way to teach kids how to fail in life.” 

“It’s shifting the narrative to ask your teen what makes them feel alive? What do you really love to do?”  

“Kids know when they fail. It’s not black and white [to teach resilience]. We just need to have the conversation on what they learned from the experience.” 

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